Jesus was on a mission to make disciples.  Jesus made disciples by teaching people by the thousands. He made disciples by living life together with dozens.  And, He made disciples teaching people one-on-one.

Our purpose in life is to be His disciples.  And, He commanded us to make disciples like He did. A disciple is someone who loves, follows, and joins Jesus on His mission.  Jesus did a great job at this, so we want to follow His example of how to make disciples.

At Church Project, we make disciples following Jesus' model. We teach people by the hundreds in our Sunday gatherings. We live life together by the dozens in House Church. And, we mentor people one-on-one through one:one discipling.


You are called and commissioned by God to join the spectacular “Co-Mission” with Jesus of making disciples in the world. As a church family, we want to learn and practice obedience to Jesus in every area of our lives together. Our desire it to engage, equip, and empower families to grow in their discipleship in the home.