Giving with our finances is part of how we worship Jesus with our whole lives (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). Church Project North County is supported entirely by the generous giving of people just like you. Church Project partners financially and personally with effective ministries who meet needs and share the love of Christ. Our giving shows where our heart is (Matthew 6:21), and we are convicted and committed and compelled to be generous givers. Our goal is to annually increase our giving each year until we reach 50% outside of the walls of Church Project. Thanks for your faithfulness. 

Giving is a joy, a privilege, a tool for god to use in our lives, and even use us in the lives of others. And, as we give we remember, that god is the greatest giver of all.


As we move forward in giving, we need to:

  • Determine to care about giving because Jesus cares about it

  • Consider what Jesus would say about our giving

  • Search the Scriptures to see what they say about giving

  • Pray, repent, ask God for wisdom, submit to His plan for giving in your life

  • Obey: don’t delay, or you won’t obey. Delay is the killer of obedience